



Hey, my name is A10 and I'm a former professional Overwatch player. I've been doing Coaching for the past few years as I have found a passion for helping others excel at improving. I am a consistent Top 10 Player in Overwatch, in my professional career I have made Top 6 in Overwatch World Cup 2019, played in contenders and in the last ever season of Overwatch 1 I ended Rank 2 and 6. There is so much more I could go over what I've accomplished but you can trust me, I know what it takes to win. I will use these strengths and combine them with my skills of teaching to save you the most amount of time that you could, I understand exactly what it takes to win and improve and I know how to get you to the place you want to be at. I have already helped countless students reach their goals and exceed them. I am very passionate about teaching and the students I coach. I'm also a friendly person, so whether you're a beginner, a regular, or an aspiring pro, I'll treat you with respect. Coaching Reviews from past students here: https://tinyurl.com/A10Reviews I record every session and will send it to you afterwards so you can watch back and review, as well as adding it to my Patreon (or potentially as YouTube content). If you do not wish for our session to be shared please let me know.

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Live sessions and Learning

I highly recommend this session as it is the most effective. This 1-on-1 Session incorporates all of the coaching that I will be doing, the advantage of this session is I will show you how to implement your new knowledge. If you want to learn how to learn as well as gain a massive amount of knowledge, then this is the option for you.

1 Session 2 hours
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In-depth learning

These 1-on-1 live sessions are an amazing way for you to gain a deep and clear understanding of what you need to work on to improve as well as transforming Overwatch into a relatively simple game. If you want to gain control over your ranked games then use this service. I recommend booking a 2 hour session so we can go over a replay together and then go into live-games so I can show you how to implement the information.

1 Session 1 hour
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Replay Review

Submit a replay of one of your games and I'll review it and give you feedback - this is very handy if you mix it with 1 on 1 coaching as I can take the time to explain all of the concepts. For those who are looking to see if they are on the right track or need a refresher this service is for you. (Due to having tendonitis and having to type a lot I am raising the price as it is genuinely stressful on my body)

1 Session 1 hour
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Fix my aim (extended session)

People don't have bad mechanics, but bad decisions. I have worked with many students and have watched silver players go from well... silvers... to looking like aim gods. This will help give us time to go into in game scenarios where I can direct you and coach you in real-time, mixing live-coaching with the review helps a lot for the individual.

1 Session 2 hours
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Fix my aim

People don't have bad mechanics, but bad decisions. I have worked with many students and have watched silver players go from well... silvers... to looking like aim gods.

1 Session 1 hour
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Overwatch Crash Course (Save $30)

This lesson is designed to give you a quick way to improve your biggest flaws in your gameplay. The lesson in total consists of 4 hours of live coaching and half an hour of Replay Reviews

3 Sessions 6 hours

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