good coach, very intructive lesson
Aidan's Theatre
Welcome to Aidan's Theatre! This is a place where you can learn from me, and gain the same information I use and find. Whether you are a student or just someone who wants additional information on the Pokemon TCG, this is the right place to be!
From the community
good coach, very intructive lesson
Mr Beep
He was great and very knowledgable about the current meta decks. Very helpful
Come and learn about the new strongest deck in the Journey Together standard format. I've been playing a lot of Raging Bolt and have made some very solid and some "spicy" lists. This live event will feature live Q&A and a full matchup and deck guide (with visual boardstates). This is perfect for anyone trying to master building and playing the best Raging Bolt deck for any upcoming Major Tournaments.
Meet your Community host
Aidan Khus
About me
Hi I'm Aidan, a Pokémon TCG player from the US. I am a regional champion, finalist, and Top16 player for the past 3 years. I hope to help you take the next step on your Pokémon TCG journey!