



Hi, my name is James Kowalski, probably better known as Alloutblitzle on YouTube! I have nearly 10 years of experience and success across all 3 age divisions, so I'm confident I can meet you where you are at and level up your game! (If you have any questions about availability send me a DM on Twitter or Discord)

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1 Hour Control Masterclass

In this hour, we will go over my latest control list, discuss potential alternative inclusions, go in depth on the gameplay, and run down the gameplan into every meta matchup!

1 Session 1 hour
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Alloutblitzle's Area
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FREE Consultation

If you want to sit down with me and discuss what my coaching would look like, this is the session for you!

1 Session 30 mins


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VOD Review

Student comes prepared with video to review! We will discuss the gameplay and figure out points where you could of played differently!

1 Session 1 hour
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1 Hour Session

1 hour focusing on any specific field you want you want to improve upon! (Tournament Prep, Matchups, Fundamentals0

1 Session 1 hour

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