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BOOTCAMP! - Universal Training

6 Sessions 6 hours $109

Hello, there! In this boot camp, we will tackle the weak points in your gameplay and work to achieve your personal goals. Sessions will be personalized to your needs.

Sessions Overview

Lesson 1 (Introduction)

1 hour

If we haven't yet, we will have an initial consultation plus play a few games to start your player file. Be ready to answer the following questions: - What's your main character? - What do you want to improve on? - What players do you study? - What matchups are the most difficult for you? - What are your short and long-term goals? - What learning method has worked the most for you?

Lesson 2 (Movement)

1 hour

Let's focus on movement! I'll watch your live gameplay and give you feedback focusing on your movement. These are some of the topics that we will cover: - Backdash - Dash block - Side Step block - Side walk Plus a little bit of frame data to pinpoint when would be a good time to start walking, creating space, and be ready to whiff punish!

Lesson 3 (Punishment Training)

1 hour

This time we will focus on Punishment! I will provide you with a list of the most common punishers for your character that we will be using during this lesson. You will be fighting my Lucky Chloe and Xiaoyu and I will repeat certain moves and you will have to react to: - Whiff punish - Block punish - Duck and punish - Side Step/Sidewalk punish

Lesson 4 (Tackling Difficult Match Ups)

1 hour

For this lesson, be ready to fight 2 of the characters that you have the most trouble with.

Lesson 6 (The Mirror Match)

1 hour

In order to have a wider picture of possible tweaks that you could do to your gameplay, you will be fighting a high skilled player who will be using your character in a ft12 set. Feedback can be provided during and/or after the session.

Lesson 5 (Tournament endurance)

1 hour

We will run ft2 sets against a variety of characters, testing your endurance for consecutive short sets. I will provide coaching in between matches.

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