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Hello there, I'm Arcurath - I coach all roles and elo ranges. I have been playing League of Legends for 7 years. My peak is Master 200lp in Season 11. I have 2 years of experience playing and coaching in ERLs. I am currently the Assistant Coach for XAL Esports in NLC Div 2, after having an extremely successful 18-1 Spring Split promoting them into Div 3 first. With all of these ERL teams, I coached rookie players who have gone on to play in higher Divisions, achieving success. If you are interested in looking at some previous sessions I've done, you can look at my YouTube here - You can join my Discord to see countless reviews from previous students here - All sessions will include: Matchup Knowledge Macro Decisions Mechanical Help Wave Management Vision Control Objective Control Build Help (Runes + Items) Trading Positioning Understanding Tempo General Game Knowledge Session Structure: Discussion figuring out what you want to achieve from the session. VOD review a replay of your choice. Debrief summary of what we went over in the session. Sessions will always be recorded and uploaded to my YouTube for you to watch back whenever you please I will always aim to provide a high-quality service that will genuinely help every player improve at the game, no matter what problems they may be struggling with personally. If you have a specific concern that wouldn’t usually fit in a session list, then let me know. After having a session, I will always be available any time in the future to answer any extra questions you may have. I hope you consider booking me as your coach!

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How To: Optimise Builds

In this session we will look through your items and runes for specific champions and show you what would be the most optimal based in different situations.

1 Session 30 mins
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VOD Review

We will go over one of your VODs and discuss what mistakes you made and what you could've done differently.

1 Session 1 hour
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How To: Structure SoloQ

This session is designed to help you get a more structured approach to SoloQ to maximise your improvement, while also reducing the chances of tilting or burning out

1 Session 30 mins
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How To: Roam

In this session I will show you how to roam effectively and explain which situations are the best for it, as well as explaining the timing windows you have to roam.

1 Session 30 mins
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How To: Have Monk Mentality

Helping you create a Monk Mentality so you always have maximised focus and never tilt no matter what. Helps bring back some more enjoyment to playing League.

1 Session 30 mins
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How To: Manage Waves

In this session I will explain how to manage waves in all the different ways possible and what situations you would use them in.

1 Session 30 mins
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How To: CS

In this session I will go over how to CS properly, and any unique tricks based on the champions you play to help with it. Then hop into a custom 1v1 to test your CS skills while being put under pressure of enemy trading you.

1 Session 30 mins
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How To: Ward

In this session we will go over all the best warding spots on the map, as well as explaining in which situations each of these wards would be most useful in.

1 Session 30 mins
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Introduction - FREE

A simple free introduction where I find out more information about the student and what their goals are. I can then explain the differences between my sessions and recommend which would best fit them.

1 Session 30 mins
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Replay Review

Send me a replay of your choice and I will review it and provide you feedback on any mistakes you made and what you could've done better.

1 Session 1 hour
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How To: Build a Champion Pool

In this session I will help you with creating a champion pool that suits your personal playstyle. This will help you be more consistent with your gameplay and not have to learn different mechanics every other game.

1 Session 30 mins
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A plan packed full of every "How to" guide session that I offer.

7 Sessions 3.5 hours
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Zilean Master Class

This plan is designed to teach you how to play like the Rank 1 Zilean. I will go over everything from scratch and teach you from the ground up about Mechanics, Builds + Runes, Matchups and Playstyle.

5 Sessions 5 hours
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Stage System Improvement

A package plan for improvement stage by stage using my custom Stage System. This plan is aimed more towards newer/low elo players who want to improve but aren't sure where to start or what to do. However I believe it will always be relevant to any players in general as majority are lacking in proper understanding of these fundamentals which is limiting their ability to improve.

4 Sessions 4 hours
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Monthly Improvement Plan

A month long improvement plan to specifically suited to you! This includes: - Specific goals set to focus improve in that area - Weekly VOD Reviews + Debriefs - Weekly Progress Reports - Custom made spreadsheet to track your goals and stats

6 Sessions 6 hours

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