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Hello, my name is bawnix. You may have found me from Tiktok, Twitch, or just searching around Metafy. I am a 5x Radiant Player with a peak #21 (916rr), who gets carried by my own game sense. I have medicore aim for a top 50 player in radiant and my game sense has allowed me to excel and compete in high elo/pro lobbies. I have over 3300 matches played with almost over 2k hours. I promise you if you purchase coaching, I will do my best to help you exceed your own expectations and continue in the right direction! Hope to see you soon!

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Vod Review

For this lession, you will need to have a vod of you playing. For the most successful coaching session, I would select a close game where you play average, this way we can decipher and work though each round and find the mistakes and what you do correctly.

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