


5 followers 1 following

Hey all! My name is Billy MacManus and I've been playing card games competitively for 13 years. I'm currently ranked 19th in NA in offline events for the One Piece Card Game. I'm always available for coaching, deckbuilding and advice on how to perform well at premier events.

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One Piece TCG Deckbuilding & Fundamentals for Beginners

This session is tailored to those who may not have a ton of experience when it comes to OPTCG or card games in general. We'll go over everything from the deckbuilding process, how to manage resources, read your opponents and maximize your chances of winning every game. Whether you're new to the game and want to learn how to perform well at locals or online, or someone looking to attend your first regional-sized event, I'll show you my process and help get you ready to achieve whatever personal goals you have.

1 Session 1 hour
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Coaching for Intermediate/Experienced Players

This is the option for those looking to breakthrough to top player status, all it takes is that one extra win to go from going X-2 to getting Top 8 and finally getting that serial & $10k+ payday. We'll do VOD reviews, live coaching on the ranked sim, deck tuning, match-up testing and anything else that you feel is keeping you from breaking through.

1 Session 1 hour



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