



Hello! welcome to my page! I have been coaching people for alittle over 2 years and nearly all the ranks from unranked/iron players to immortal. I have a deep understanding of the game from just a competitive view but also a high level team view. I have coached high school and colligate valorant teams. Finally, the reason I charge for the coaching is it implies a sense of commitment since my time and your time are both valuable, so that drives both of us to take the process seriously. And if anyone noticed they will find my sessions are relatively cheap, so I let students have access to premium coaching experience while getting value out of every penny they spend. I also tend to spend time with the student outside of the paid time, as there tend to be follow up questions after the first session. I do like to track all of my students progress after coaching and help those to tend to still not understand.

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FREE 1st vod review

Will review a vod and give detailed notes on things that can be improved and struggle areas to focus on.

1 Session 30 mins
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Live Vod Review

will review a vod with the student in a call and give detailed notes. Along with find out and understand struggle areas within the game.

1 Session 1 hour
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Free Consultation

here i can go over what i think i can achieve for you (rank wise, or mechanically) and go over what i think i can offer for you.

1 Session 30 mins
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live match review

i will watch one of your matches live and give tips during the match, and notes to go over after.

1 Session 30 mins

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