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Welcome to The Coaching Page of Bugra 🌟Here is An Example of One of My Long-Term Students: https://bit.ly/42WAIGO 🌟I used to be coaching on https://bettergamer.com/coaches/lol 🌟I have over 275 Reviews which you can find some of them at: https://bit.ly/BugraReviews I hit Challenger 1400+ LP in EUW and became a Booster. Then I started Coaching. I helped over 1200 Students and I have coached many Teams in USA and UAE. 🌟I am going into details when I coach. I work precisely and make sure that I fix your gameplay from early game to late game Step by Step. 🌟I have coached people all around the world and had all kinds of cases that a coach could ever had. From Iron to Challenger you are welcomed to get coached by me. I keep tracking your situation after our session ends whether we have more hours left or not so that I can make sure the money you spent is going to be worth it. +How Will I Help You Climb? 🌟First things first, the reason why you can't climb is NOT because you have bad teams or NOT because the champions you play. The only reason is YOU. You probably make same mistakes every game and just because you are not aware of them, it happens every time. For most of the players it takes years to learn from their mistakes but that is why I am here. I will make sure that it will take only some sessions to increase your chance to carry the games. +How Will a Typical Session Look Like? 🌟Depending on your elo and situation, we will either start with a live game or replay. +Live game + Replay Session: 🌟You will be sharing your screen and playing a ranked game. During the game I will take notes about the parts you lack of, and give instant feedback if I see you making major mistakes. I will tell you the items you should buy depending on enemy and contribute to your gameplay. After your game is done I will share my screen and we will go over details that will change your gameplay completely. You will learn what the win condition is and how to keep the lead against the player in enemy team. In case you have CS problem, I will tell explain the main reason why you lack of CS too. 🌟Feel free to DM me and ask me Questions you might have.

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