



My name is Randy van den Bemt aka Chapapi, I've been playing League competitively for about 4 years now. I have mostly played in the Dutch League but I just completed my first split in the Spanish League and then went on to play in the Italian League. I have a really good understanding of the game from a soloq and competitive standpoint. My highest peak has been 930 lp challenger in the EUW server. ( top 50 ) My coaching: My prefered coaching method is to do live coaching during your game and then go in depth with a vod review afterwards this allows me to see how you would naturally play out a game and properly assess your game knowledge. Live coaching also lets me see first hand your strengths and where you could use some improvement. After your game we can review your game in-depth with a vod review and I can explain things in more detail that I might not have enough time to explain during the game. I also like to do vod reviews, where you record your game from your point of view and then upload it to private youtube and we can take more time to talk about the game togheter. This option is much more preferred when you're in a higher elo. https://youtu.be/WtueBLotryc

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