Coach Chippys

Coach Chippys



Hey Everyone, I'm Coach Chippys, I've been a professional top Laner or Head Coach for the past 8 years, I've maintained a rank between Challenger to Rank One for these 8 years and also obtained challenger in KR/NA/EUW. I specialize in teaching how to snowball through early lane phase and using your lead to carry the game, my coaching sessions will be focused around helping you building a strong foundation so you can consistently have a high impact in your games and reach your rank goals.

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Coaching Session + Vod Review

- Vod review of any game of your choosing, best to choose a game you feel like you should have won. - Live coaching session of atleast 1 hour

1 Session 1 hour
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OPGG + Lane Phase Review

Will do an opgg review + One lane phase of your choosing, preferably a lane you feel like you should've won if you played it better.

1 Session 30 mins
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Team Coaching Session

Live coaching session for your team, will cover in detail drafting/laning/mid game macro and set learning objectives of what your team needs to be working on to improve.

1 Session 1 hour
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Hyperbolic Time Chamber

One Live Coaching session a week for four weeks, In-depth vod reviews of games you feel like you should have won, with a set structure in place for improvement every week

4 Sessions 4 hours
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Ultimate Training Program

Individual coaching session every week for 8 weeks, highly recommended for consistent improvement week by week.

8 Sessions 8 hours

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