Had a deck list/metagame discussion with Cyrus, which was really useful as I got to discuss how my list fares into the upcoming metagame - as well as potential changes and tricks for certain matchups.
Cyrus Davis's Community
Welcome to Cyrus Davis's Community! This is your place to connect with and learn from Cyrus Davis and like-minded peers. Share opinions, insights, tips, or even French Onion Soup recipes (the trick is to use yellow onions).
From the community
Had a deck list/metagame discussion with Cyrus, which was really useful as I got to discuss how my list fares into the upcoming metagame - as well as potential changes and tricks for certain matchups.
Gave me a very detailed matchup guide for every matchup I was worried about, and answered all following questions I had in the days before the tournament.
Cyrus is a great coach. They adapted the session to what I wanted to discuss as a new player with competitive goals and it was amazing. Highly recommend!
This was my first metafy session, and it was fantastic—offering valuable insights into game-play in preparation for my upcoming tournament. Highly recommended.
Nicholas Chan
Incredibly knowledgeable player who can most importantly explain why you should choose a specific line of play or order of sequencing.
James McDaid
Cyrus enhanced my grasp of the Rapid Strike Box deck and its matchups, and guided me on where I need to most improve. Can't recommend her coaching enough!
Cyrus was very helpful with mapping out the right cards to play in my deck. He compared it to his own, and we were able to discuss about strategies against current meta decks. I learned so much and gained a lot of useful insight for how to run this deck at my next tournament.
Nate Bishop
Cyrus definitely has helped me get my mindset back, and helped me with my bad matchups overall and can't wait to perform better now
Cyrus gave me a thorough review of my gameplay. She was very descriptive about the things I can work on. Looking forward to more!
Meet your Community host
Cyrus Davis
About me
Hey, I'm Cyrus Davis, the 2023 North American International Champion! I have been a professional Pokemon TCG Player and coach since 2018. No matter where you are in your Pokemon journey, I can help you improve your results. Whether you want to learn how to hold your own against the tense competition...
What does a typical 1-on-1 coaching session look like?
Typically a 1-1 on one coaching session would be sharing your PTCGLive screen with me on a discord call and then if you had specific matchups that you wanted to test we would play against each other while I give you advice during your turns and talk through each play with you. Alternatively, if you just want to focus more on the in game play itself than test specific matchups I would critique your play and give you advice while you play games on the ladder. Coaching sessions can always look very different depending on what you are looking for though, sometimes people just have a lot of questions about the metagame or need advice on competing and that takes up most of the session, but what I described before is typically what an average coaching session looks like.
Do you offer in person coaching?
If you live in or near Southern Ontario, Canada and would like to receive coaching in person, reach out to me on Twitter @CyrusDavisTCG or on discord @Cyrus#6476 and we can discuss if it is a viable option.
What if I have a question between sessions?
My DMs on all socials are always open! I am happy to help out with things like minor deck list changes, matchup questions, deck choices, etc. whenever I have the free time and energy for anyone that has paid for a coaching session with me!
What do I need for a coaching session?
You'll need to have access to PTCG Live, or a physical deck and a webcam setup. All sessions are done through a private discord call with my discord account Cyrus#6476. Be sure to send me a friend request and a message at some point before our session.