

You may know me as a coach on Proguides or previous EU competitive player. I usually play as IGL normally so I am always looking at new strategies to use. I have experience coaching sports in clubs & schools at entry-intermediate level. Along with this I previously worked as Exercise Specialist & Personal Trainer. Sports is much like esports where we'll be breaking down skills to promote faster learning. I'm here to motivate and encourage you to try to better yourself and performance

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Monthly Coach

I will be your coach for the entire month, we'll work on key areas improving you overall. This will include 1v1 lessons, reviews, gameplay analysis, any pc optimisation possible and recommendation.

1 Session 1 hour
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General Coaching

This is a 45 minute session where you receive personalised coaching based on your learning goals.

1 Session 30 mins
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Optimising Aim & Sensitivity

Its important to get the right sensitivity as this allows for consistent shots, edit and build. We will go through finding your natural sens where you are consistently hitting.

1 Session 1 hour
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3 Hour Coaching / Tournament Coaching

Work on any of your goals giving us more time to improve on key areas. If you are booking for tournament please message specifically regarding availability before booking as I presume it 3hr otherwise

1 Session 3 hours
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Building Mechanics - Tunnelling

In this session we will go through a bunch of tunnelling technique allowing you to under the mechanics to perform them consistently.

1 Session 30 mins
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Box Fighting Mechanics

In this session we will go through how you want to approach your box fights offensively and defensively giving you the understanding of how to be at the advantage.

1 Session 30 mins
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Building Mechanics - Piece Control

In this session we will go through how to improve your piece control. I recommend doing Building Mechanics - Tunnelling lesson before taking this lesson if you are not proficient at tunnelling

1 Session 30 mins
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Building Technique

In this session we will go through how to retake from multiple angles improving your vertical efficiency allowing you to effectively be quicker to get up.

1 Session 30 mins
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Advanced Build Fight Mechanics

In this session we'll go through how to advanced your build fighting techniques where you can dominate height.

1 Session 30 mins
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Audio optimisation & PC optimisation

Here we will optimise your audio allowing you to hear better clarity sound where you are able to notice opponent easier along with improved clarity music/movie experience. On top this optimising your pc overall

1 Session 1 hour

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