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Pokémon TCG
Pokémon TCG
6 Sessions 6 hours $115

Regionals/IC Prep Plan

Are you attending a Regionals/IC soon? This plan is designed to help you succeed. We'll go over general Regionals prep, your deck choice, your list, matchups. and we'll practice.

Sessions Overview

Skills Session

1 hour

General testing session focusing mostly on general skills, including lines of play, sequencing, playing to your outs, probability, and more.

Event Overview

1 hour

We'll discuss the particular event and the circumstances around it. We'll talk about the expected metagame based on recent results, past results, community consensus, and more.

Matchup Practice/Final Deck Lock-in

1 hour

We'll continue our matchup testing from last time. At the end of this lesson, our aim is to have a deck solidified so we can focus on it for the rest of the plan.

Matchup Practice

1 hour

Once you have a deck choice in mind, we'll talk about and play the various matchups you can expect to see at the event.

Decklist Discussion/Practice

1 hour

Now that we have our deck selected, we're going to go over your list for the event and how it should look related to the expected meta. Whatever time we have leftover will be used for practice.

Final Prep

1 hour

Final Prep Session - What to expect at the event, how to handle the mental game, and discussing and last minute deck, practice, or other concerns. Any extra time will be spent in practice.

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