Dark Wizzy

Dark Wizzy



I am Dark Wizzy! Full time competitor, streamer, and coach for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate! I have been the best/one of the best Mario players in the game for years now, and am a very experienced and seasoned top player for the game. I can teach you a plethora of things about Smash Ultimate, and show you the keys to both improving and success. I tend to be the #1 Smash Ultimate Metafy coach on this platform often too!

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VOD Review

I can review and analyze the set of your choice (preferably with your gameplay) so I can point things out that you are doing correctly, incorrectly, or not doing at all!

1 Session 1 hour
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First to 10 with advice

We play against each other in a first to 10 wins format in an arena, and then afterwards I give you advice on how to improve!

1 Session 30 mins
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Dark Wizzy's Crash Course (1 Hour Coaching)

I can help you get better at + work on a ton of things! Wether it be matchups, neutral, basic + advanced fundamental understanding of the game, Mario stuff, and much more! Or you can specify what you want to work on, and we can go from there as well! Regardless, ill make sure its worth your time and that you learn something, or even learn multiple things!

1 Session 1 hour
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First to 50 with advice

You wanna go at it for this long? Be my guest, lots of matches to come.

1 Session 3.5 hours
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First to 5 with advice

We play against each other in a first to 5 wins format in an arena, and then I give you advice afterwards!

1 Session 30 mins
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Best of 3 with advice

We face off against each other in a best of 3 and then I give you advice afterwards, it will definitely take less than 30 minutes for a best of 3 (its not actually a 30 min session)

1 Session 30 mins
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30 Minute Coaching

A half and hour of 1 on 1 time with me for learning about your main habits, correcting them, how to get better overall, and good pointers!

1 Session 30 mins
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First to 30 with advice

We play a first to 30 wins session, and then i give you advice afterwards!

1 Session 2 hours
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Dark Wizzy's Crash Course (Extended, 2 Hour Coaching)

2 hours of just about everything! Matches against me, advice, matchup practice, important discussion, vod review, and more to give you the max learning experience possible so you can improve!

1 Session 2 hours
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Best of 5 with advice

We play a best of 5 against each other, then I give you advice afterwards. Most likely will be less than 30 minutes needed for the best of 5

1 Session 30 mins
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Wizzy's Bootcamp

Here, you will go through my training routine to get better at the game!

3 Sessions 3 hours

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