



My name is Deeko and I am a extremely passionate about Overwatch. I previously played on Contenders team such as Redbirds, O3 Splash, PiP, and Starburst. I hope to share my experience and love for the game with all of you. Work with me if you want goals that work for your playstyle. I am always available in DMs for any questions you may have outside of our sessions. I love talking about the game and if you want to learn how to win, please reach out to me on discord @ deeko

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Replay Review

Replay review of 1 map for players who would prefer not to do a live session. I will send you my thoughts on your gameplay and goals to work on based on what I watched.

1 Session 30 mins
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Live VOD Review

We will watch a VOD together and look at what you did right and what you should work on

1 Session 1 hour
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Live Ranked Coaching

I will try to be a voice in the back of your head to help you focus on what is important in your games. This should help you improve your decision making.

1 Session 1 hour
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Map Guide Mastery

This guide is to help you understand how each map is played and how you can carry with the right hero, positioning, and rotations.

2 Sessions 2 hours
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Overwatch Apprenticeship

This is a package for players who want me to make a full lesson plan and multistep goals to help improve. Expect frequent check ins and goal adjustments to help you push yourself as a player to the next level. Four sessions where we will do gameplay review, live coaching, goal setting, and map reviews in 1 month. One bonus session on me (total of 5) for this package to guarantee you get the help you need when you need it and as a thanks from me for trusting me to help you grow as a player

5 Sessions 5 hours
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Team Vod Review

We will do a one hour Vod Review (normally 2-4 maps) We will set goals for what we want to look at before we start, and goals before we finish that will give your team concepts to practice. Message me here on Metafy, or on discord @deeko for more available times

1 Session 1 hour
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Team Coaching (Scrim with Prep & Debrief)

I will come to your team's practice where we will prep some goals before starting the scrimmage. After which we can debrief with and set some goals to work on until your next practice. *Message me here on Metafy, or on discord @deeko for more available times

1 Session 2.5 hours

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