



My first Tekken game was Tekken 5DR and I've stuck with Lili ever since. I started playing more seriously during the end of Tekken 7's Season 2 and been streaming for a few years on Twitch now. While most of my content has been ranked matches, I also had the pleasure of releasing multiple outfit mods for Tekken 7 for the Lili community, including the iconic concept art outfit which is now Lili's Preset 3 and a few stage mods as well.

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Ranked Matches Live Feedback and Replay Review

Discord call where you can choose whether you'd like to go into ranked or discuss saved replays while I assist you with advice on your gameplay. We can also do a mix, to get the most out of it.

1 Session 1 hour
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Replay Review with Live Discord Feedback

Discord call where we go over any matches that you've saved and would like to talk about, improving situational awareness, punishment etc.

1 Session 1 hour
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Lili Crash Course

Discord call where we discuss things you might be unsure on regarding Lili and upgrade your gameplan. This could be anything from combos, pressure, frames, set-ups, heat moves etc.

1 Session 1 hour
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FT10 with Live Feedback on Discord and Replay Review

This session is for a more in-depth analysis on your gameplay based on the experience of our matches. This will give you a better idea about bad habits and how to optimise your gameplay further.

1 Session 1 hour


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