



Welcome to my Metafy Coaching Profile! I am an SSL Collegiate Rocket League player who creates Rocket League content on many different platforms. I have a deep passion for the game and in turn, have a deep understanding of what it takes to get better. My credentials: - 5500+ hours - I create Rocket League content and stream several times a week, so I am always aware of the ever-adjusting meta. I have inside knowledge on how you can utilize these techniques to be the best Rocket League player you can be, whether that be in 1v1s, 2v2s, or 3v3s. - I have been playing Rocket League for my college (Loyola Marymount University) for 3+ years now, competing in online tournaments, as well as 7+ LAN tournaments. I have a lot of experience in playing when under pressure. - I have been SSL for several seasons. - I have been playing Rocket League for 7 years, starting on PS4 and now on PC. If you'd like to take your game to the next level and talk to someone who has your improvement + best interest in mind, consider my coaching! :)

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Free consulation + Ask me anything

Get in a call with me and talk about what your goals are in Rocket League! Ask me any questions you'd like in case you're considering spending money on coaching.

1 Session 30 mins
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1 Replay Review Session

Show me one of your replays and have me analyze your gameplay. Tips and tricks will be given based on your decision making.

1 Session 30 mins
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1 Hour In Depth Replay Review + In-game Analysis

*1 HOUR* Show me one replay that you have set aside where I talk about your gameplay and walk you through tips on decision making. Then, screen share your matches (casual or ranked) where I talk to you live about what is best in any situation. Wrap up with custom notes on what you can work on.

1 Session 1 hour
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2v2 Group Training Session

Grab your duo and hop into a call with me to work on anything the two of you need to improve on. This could include but is not limited to: in-depth replay reviews, live 2v2 coaching, mechanics guides/tips, and much more.

1 Session 1 hour
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2 Hour Custom Coaching

You choose whatever we do, whether that be replay reviews, live coaching during your matches, mechanics tutorials - you name it.

1 Session 2 hours

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