


1 following

My name is Dozen and I am your resident master Pokemon Unite player. I am here to help you in whatever way I can, whatever character you play I can assist with! I have played Unite since the march beta, and have constantly been in the higher rankings of the game. I am willing to work with anyone on any character, and have experience with the entire roster. I stream nightly, and am always willing to answer questions!

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VOD Review

I will review your VODs/replays at any time and give notes and comments on it through Metafy's new replay review system. I will spend the proper amount of time analyzing and reviewing one match and what you could have done better. The price rate is for one match with bundles for more.

1 Session 1 hour
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Ranked Grind!

We will focus on ranking up with 5 games dedicated to doing so, depending on the time scheduled I will have other players join to help this cause.

1 Session 1 hour
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Play Together!

We can play together either with you alone, or with your squad, we would do 3 games and I would help as we go.

1 Session 30 mins
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Standard Coaching

We can go over whatever you want for an hour, we can play games together, do ranked, go over VODs, anything to related to wanting to get better at Pokemon Unite!

1 Session 1 hour
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VOD Review!

I will review a few different games of yours and go over what could be done better.

1 Session 1 hour
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Ranked To Master!

The ranked grind to master can be a doozy, but over 3 sessions I can greatly increase your odds of reaching it. Each session will cover fundamental principles of pokemon unite while doing ranked games to increase your rank.

3 Sessions 3 hours
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Learning to Jungle!

This plan will teach you the best methods of utilizing a jungler in Pokemon Unite! These characters tend to be fast and utilize the mid of the stadium constantly, going back and forth to support each side. This is a 3 hour, 3 lesson pack, the first of which will be to explain what jungling is in its basic form. I will be playing alongside you and showcasing how to properly jungle with a character of your choosing. The next time I will team with you as the jungler so that way I can assist you live. In the final session we will go over any remaining questions, review the VOD from last time, and play a game or two to ensure that you are satisfied.

3 Sessions 3 hours

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