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Hi! I'm Drago, a high level smash ultimate player and coach! Having beaten many players across multiple smash titles with multiple characters, my knowledge of the entire roster as whole helps me help a multitude of playstyles and characters. From Pokemon Trainer, to Wolf, to Banjo-Kazooie i've won with them all at the highest level taking down names like Marss, ShadowPR, Grayson, Brr, and more! I specialize on locating player habits, but also the WHY behind each habit. Understanding why you do a habit is more important than simply knowing what the habit is. VOD Review is my specialty, but during live sessions we can be as in-depth and as technical as you require; my lessons are catered to your needs as a student. I will give you honest feedback on your current performance so you can take your game to a higher level. Guaranteed, you will notice a difference in your play.

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In Person Session

In Person session where we play at one of the Austin weekly venues or a predetermined place to identify any potential gameplay habits/weaknesses and can discuss questions about MUs, or the overall improvement process.

1 Session 1 hour
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30 minutes of VOD review

30 minutes worth of games VoD review'd

1 Session 1 hour
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Online Coaching Session

Online session where we play while in a discord call to identify any potential gameplay habits/weaknesses and can discuss questions about MUs, or the overall improvement process.

1 Session 1 hour
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VOD Review (1 Set)

VOD Review of a set. Will give detailed notes on your gameplay while also answering any questions detailed to me, and giving you a slight overview of the opponents habits as well. When submitting, count the whole vod as one match.

1 Session 1 hour
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Online Coaching Session

Online session where we play while in a discord call to identify any potential gameplay habits/weaknesses and can discuss questions about MUs, or the overall improvement process.

1 Session 30 mins
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BO5 VOD Review

VOD Review of a Bo5 set. Will give detailed notes on your gameplay while also answering any questions detailed to me, and giving you a slight overview of the opponents habits as well. When submitting, count the whole VOD as one match.

1 Session 1 hour
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One Month of R.O.B

This will be a one month long 4 lesson plan where I break down R.O.B for you. We will go over him from the ground up, discuss his options, strengths, weaknesses, etc. R.O.B has lots of ways to be played so we will find a game plan that works for you!

4 Sessions 4 hours
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One Month of Pokémon Trainer!

This will be a one month long 4 lesson plan where I break down Pokémon Trainer for you. We will go over PT from the ground up, discuss each Pokémon's options, strengths, weaknesses, etc. PT has lots of ways to be played so we will find a game plan that works for you!

4 Sessions 4 hours
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Smash Fundies 101

This will be a one month long 4 lesson plan where I break down the fundamentals of Smash for you. We will start with the very basics and work our way up with more difficult topics as we go. By the end of this session, you will have a solid understanding of the fundamentals of smash, and be capable of improving even more!

4 Sessions 4 hours

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