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DREAL's Community

I'm DREAL a seasoned esports professional with a remarkable 14-year journey in the industry as both a player and an award-nominated coach. In 2023, I proudly achieved the title of World Champion Coach, solidifying my commitment to excellence in esports coaching. My extensive background includes working with some of the brightest stars in the esports realm, to guide you on your own path to success.


From the community

CrimsonsMythʼs avatar



It was a wonderful experience and great getting back down to the basic. They left me feeling like I can continue to grow. When I thought I couldn't

cakethesnackʼs avatar



DREAL was super thorough in explanation and really helped me learn a lot about the game. Highly recommend!

rag_bangzʼs avatar



As I dedicated more time and effort to the game and wholeheartedly embraced the suggested strategies, I witnessed a significant improvement in my performance.

jtrabʼs avatar



Absolutely excellent. Extremely professional instruction. Taught both player movement and overall game strategy at an expert level. Cannot recommend enough.




Great experience. Learned valuable key points and methods that changed my view of the game . Definitely recommend !

About me

Meet your Community host




About me

I'm DREAL a seasoned esports professional with a remarkable 14-year journey in the industry as both a player and an award-nominated coach. In 2023, I proudly achieved the title of World Champion Coach, solidifying my commitment to excellence in esports coaching. My extensive background includes work...

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