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Edu Cunha's Community

Welcome to Edu Cunha's Community! This is your place to connect with and learn from Edu Cunha and like-minded peers. Share opinions, insights, tips, or even French Onion Soup recipes (the trick is to use yellow onions).


From the community

JosephGambitʼs avatar



Phenomenal experience. Edu very good at explaining concepts and lines into matchups in a way that is really easy to follow and understand. Two sessions ago I was panicking about a regional, but now I'm going in feeling confident. I highly recommend him for intermediate players.

Sockyʼs avatar



Cant thank Edu enough for the coaching session! He helped a new Junior player learn a lot and prep for a tournament! He made learning easy and fun, and really brought a new level of excitement to a new player. Very polite and patient. Thanks again!

Goodryan526ʼs avatar



Very good,he gave me very useful information to improve my skills.Even though I struggle with English, I still had a good experience.

Dragonkeaʼs avatar



Edu helped improve my team so much from minor adjustments to pokemon switches. Edu really made a difference in how I create my teams especially make EV spreads.

About me

Meet your Community host


Edu Cunha


About me

My name is Eduardo Cunha, I'm a 26 year old Pokémon player from Portugal and the 2022 World Champion! I also work as a STEM and English teacher, so coaching is my full time job! My journey playing VGC started in 2013 and have shown results at the highest level since 2016. I've made top cut of Worlds...

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