EmpressFGCʼs avatar



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I am an active Esports mental + game coach since 2019. I specialize in Fighting Games (specifically Tekken 8) and Rocket League. I have worked with several esports organizations such as Esport BERG, Rizon and the esports division of Sports Club Bayer 05 Uerdingen. I am an active top 500 competitor in Tekken 8. I offer mental coaching lessons, game coaching for beginner to intermediate players and VOD reviews. I am an easy going analytical coach that tries to maximize your results with minimal time (but maximum effort), put in from your end.

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Mental Coaching

Need help with things that are not directly gameplay? struggling with a bad mindset, crumbling under pressure, getting easily frustrated, unable to perform offline? In this type of lesson I teach you about a topic of your choosing (or one chosen after a consultation), regarding the mental aspect of competition. I will have a prepared 45-60 minute lesson on a topic relevant to you. Be it how to develop confidence in your ability, how to deal with frustration in a healthy manner, how to fix your autopilot, how to prepare for offline events and many more. Depending on the player this session can be either a lesson focused on giving you the information you need, or a back and forth of questions, sharing experiences, whatever helps you develop as a player.

1 Session 1 hour
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VOD Review (Document + Text Q&A)

Need some help understanding where your set went wrong? need some pointers what to work on? I will review your VOD and give you a detailed breakdown of what you did right, what you need to implement in your gameplay and what you need to adjust. From frame data, to conditioning to gameplan, I will help you out in great detail.

1 Session 30 mins
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Live Coaching (VODs/Gameplay) Review + VC Q&A

In this session I will take a look at a replay with you, or review your gameplay live as you are fighting an opponent. We will have a conversation as we go, the different aspects of your gameplay. what part of your gameplay is already working, what aspects you can improve on and how you can implement these improvements. You have the chance to act on advice right away, recommended for more hands on type learners!

1 Session 1 hour
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Beginner-Intermediate Coaching (Beginner up to blue/Fujin rank)

Need some help to climb in ranked? I can teach you how to become a better player. In this session I will help you work on your Tekken fundamentals and maximizing the usage of your character's tools. We figure out what the issues in your gameplay are, what you need to work on and how you will work on it. For this session, please keep in mind I specialize in the female half of the cast. (specifically Reina, Lili, Alisa)

1 Session 1 hour
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Intermediate-High Level Coaching

If you are a more experienced player and want to take it to the next level, this session is for you. This session aims to improve your fundamentals and teach you how to improve your Tekken on a higher level. From how to prepare for a tournament(offline specifically!), how to condition your opponent, forming a ft2/ft3 gameplan, how to open up strong defensive players, to shutting down over aggressive players, this is specifically aimed at players who (want to) compete and succeed in tournaments. Since this type of session requires more preperation, please book this at least 2 days in advance.

1 Session 1 hour
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Tournament Preperation (Mental + Game Coaching)

This session is focused on players who want to prepare for an event, primarily offline. This will combine both my offers on game and mental coaching. Feeling nervous, unprepared, or just want to maximize your results? This is the session for you. We will cover a relevant mental/mindset topic that you request (or I suggest if you do not have one) and work on your gameplay. This session covers anything from how to use your remaining time optimally, how to prepare for specific opponents, how to manage your stamina throughout a tournament weekend, to how you can form a strong tournament gameplan and adapt to your opponents midgame. I will make sure you are as ready as you can be for your event in the time we have left.

1 Session 2 hours
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Mental Coaching

Need help with things that are not directly gameplay? struggling with a bad mindset, crumbling under pressure, getting easily frustrated, unable to perform offline? In this type of lesson I teach you about a topic of your choosing (or one chosen after a consultation), regarding the mental aspect of competition. I will have a prepared 45-60 minute lesson on a topic relevant to you. Be it how to develop confidence in your ability, how to deal with frustration in a healthy manner, how to fix your autopilot, how to prepare for offline events and many more. Depending on the player this session can be either a lesson focused on giving you the information you need, or a back and forth of questions, sharing experiences, whatever helps you develop as a player.

1 Session 1 hour
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Mental Coaching

Need help with things that are not directly gameplay? struggling with a bad mindset, crumbling under pressure, getting easily frustrated, unable to perform offline? In this type of lesson I teach you about a topic of your choosing (or one chosen after a consultation), regarding the mental aspect of competition. I will have a prepared 45-60 minute lesson on a topic relevant to you. Be it how to develop confidence in your ability, how to deal with frustration in a healthy manner, how to fix your autopilot, how to prepare for offline events and many more. Depending on the player this session can be either a lesson focused on giving you the information you need, or a back and forth of questions, sharing experiences, whatever helps you develop as a player.

1 Session 1 hour

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