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Hey there! I used to play professionally in European regional leagues for 5 years in Turkey, Spain, Germany and other countries. I also reached challenger for 6 seasons straight. This year I swapped to support and managed to get challenger there aswell. I've played against all the pro's in SoloQ including Faker / Caps / Gumayusi etc. In my coaching, apart from obviously focusing on the game, we will be talking a lot about the mental aspects of League: LoL is a long-term game where your true ranking only shows after a number of games. With the right mentality you will have a way easier time climbing and have a lot more fun doing it. With that being said, the fact that I am new at Metafy and not known within the coaching scene yet will also allow YOU to get the cheapest price possible. I know how you can stop making excuses and reach your goals in a productive way. Book a session today and let's start your progress together :)

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Mentally strong.

If you are: * Struggling to keep your head in the game * Losing focus ingame because of your teammates mistakes * Getting frustrated over things that are not in your control * Not enjoying the game as much as you used to Then this session is for you. We will go over the many variables that League has to offer and how you can best tackle them. After this session you will walk away with a bunch of tools to sharpen your mental game.

1 Session 1 hour
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This introductory is meant for us to be able to get to know eachother a little bit so you know who I am and more importantly how I coach. It's also an opportunity for me to learn what you will need so it's easier for me to tailor our upcoming session in the best way possible.

1 Session 30 mins
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In this lesson will go over your runes / itemization and go over a VOD of your choice. In my reviews I focus A LOT on the first 15 minutes of the game, as this is where you can consistently gain a lead in every game you play. You will gain a lot of knowledge that you can work on in your own time in this 60-90 minute session.

1 Session 1 hour

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