


12 followers 7 following

(please join the discord before booking a session or else your session may be denied https://discord.com/invite/43CqrAUZ) Hello, I am Epenetic_RL, I am a champ 3 YouTuber who is very mechanical with a peak of a triple musty, or multiple helis currently penta is my peak. I have around 1500+ hours on the game I don't know exactly how many though. I have many hours of being coached but little to no experience myself so consider yourself helping me to by booking a session so I can learn. I probably could get you up a rank or 2 depending on your rank, example: plat to champ but I mainly freestyle so I am more help in mechanics. Anyway right now my sessions are free so might as well book in to see if I'm good, hope to see you there! And if you enjoy my coaching consider leaving a tip. Fyi I'm not an adult, and I don't know my schedule very well and things pop up more than I would like so sometimes I may need to cancel, but I try to get all the times I'm away off the schedule and I try to do my best to tell you about a cancellation as soon as possible.

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30 Minute Session

if mechanics or replay review don't fit your needs, then you should choose this where you can choose exactly what your looking for.

1 Session 30 mins
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Replay Review

Send me a replay of your choice and we will review it together, I will also send notes of mistakes I found at the end of the session.

1 Session 30 mins
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Ask me a mechanic and I might be able to teach you it.

1 Session 30 mins
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Free consultation

If you just want to ask questions about the game or the coaching this is what you are looking for.

1 Session 30 mins
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Competitive pack

This pack is meant for people who are looking to progress in the ranks rather than the mechanics.

21 Sessions 10.5 hours
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Replay review (1 hour)

1 Session 1 hour
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Mechanics (1 hour)

1 Session 1 hour
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1 hour session

If a replay review or mechanics don't suit your needs this will.

1 Session 1 hour
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Mechanics mastery

This pack is designed for you to get as good as I can possibly make you at one mechanic, if we get to that point early, we can try another mechanic

5 Sessions 5 hours
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Mechanics mayhem

This pack is designed to help you get better at some mechanics of your choosing

21 Sessions 21 hours

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