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Hi i'm Zane! Street Fighter Competitor and Coach Hailing from Dallas Texas. I have taught for over 2000 combined hours on and off Metafy and my students have achieved results consistently towards their goals. I'm an Expert w/ Shoto Characters and main Luke/Ken/Akuma, but i can teach any character from a fundamental and solid approach, i will make sure that you never feel lost on how to progress as a player, i will give you a powerful foundation to build upon and then add building blocks onto this foundation as you become comfortable. A look inside my coaching process: - We will have a conversation at the beginning of working together where i will work to understand you and your goals, not just to randomly feed you information that is generally good, but that is tailored specifically to how YOU learn, ive taught all different types of people and you can expect that what works best for you is the solution we will strive for! i hope to hear from you soon.

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Training Mode Usage Breakdown

Training mode is a very deep and complex tool theres generally a better way to lab any situation to be more efficient and cling to your muscle memory better! i will teach you how to lab situations properly, and also how to figure out in the first place what NEEDs to be labbed using Replays, by teaching you this Analysis and Study combination, you will be able to apply it to ANY FIGHTING GAME (or any game in general really) to bring yourself to a higher level in the future. Give a man a fish, he eats for a day, Teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime

1 Session 2 hours
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Neutral / Footsies Breakdown

I’ll explain how neutral works with your character, what your general goals should be, how to practice it. you’ll be poking, counter poking and whiff punishing like a beast in no time!

1 Session 2 hours
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Replay Review / Analysis

Minimum Video Amount is Two! i would like you to upload the full set's for analysis rather than individual games!

1 Session 1 hour
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Replay Review!

We get on a call, analyze the Replay (Or you can send it to me on Metafy!) and i will review and show you where you can improve, and also how to look at replays to improve on your own more effectively!

1 Session 1 hour
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FT100 w/ Analysis+Feedback !

Disclaimer: the FT100 doesn't have to be in one sitting! this ft100 is to give you the opportunity to play a strong player in a long extended setting and test yourself to your fullest, i will be coaching you and offering advice as we go to help you reach a higher level! i will also be offering a special deal! for every match you win i will be sending you 1$ back!!! if you beat me 100-0... it's completely free!

1 Session 4 hours
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General 1 on 1 Coaching Session!

one full session for me to dissect and analyze your play and give you help where you need to improve at!

1 Session 1 hour
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Defensive Meta Breakdown

This is one of the most important lessons you will ever learn, Defense wins championships and i plan to educate you best on how to survive and nullify even the most dangerous of scenarios, if you follow this plan and learn the psychology within, then only players of truly elite caliber will know how to open you up, in which case it will come down mind games and adaptation on both parts!

1 Session 2 hours
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Master Your Main!

i will teach you effective and powerful tactics / strategies for that character specifically, you can select ANY character for this, EXCEPT Menat (sorry i just don't know enough with her) but i am fluent w/ basically every other character and can show you cheap and effective strategies you can use that work at all levels of play

1 Session 3 hours
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General 1 on 1 Coaching Session

i will generally analyze where you are currently, and what you are immediately lacking that you can work on! - you can followup with me as well, and revisit whatever we discuss! - First Session, and Then a followup session!

1 Session 1 hour
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Offensive Meta Breakdown

in this session, i will explain the "Meta" of SFV's Offense, why it developed to be this way, and how to capitalize on it effectively with any character! if you've ever felt like you struggle to open up an opponent, or feel like you're sort of flailing without a plan on offense! this is the session for you! if you have questions when the hour ends, i will stay past that period to make sure the understanding is reached, don't feel pressured by time! if you purchase the bundles, we will then take it a step further and develop a FULL offensive flow chart that you can choose your own decision pathing around based on the situation, i will also teach you how to not auto pilot, and pick up on information that they give you to defeat your opponent!

1 Session 2 hours
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FT100 w/ Analysis and Advice! (not 1 session)

Disclaimer: the FT100 doesn't have to be in one sitting! this ft100 is to give you the opportunity to play a strong player in a long extended setting and test yourself to your fullest, i will be coaching you and offering advice as we go to help you reach a higher level! i will also be offering a special deal! for every match you win i will be sending you 1$ back!!! if you beat me 100-0... it's completely free!

1 Session 4 hours
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Package Deal on Learning Your Character!

This is the "Master your Main" and "Offense" Lessons broken down into the same package!

3 Sessions 9 hours
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Full Training Player Development Package

This is the Training Plan to choose if you want to officially be my Student and by that i mean PERMANENTLY my student! it doesn't expire! these lessons are available whenever! and can be revisited and im always available for consultation! i will completely be available during this time frame to work on all lessons and work with you to better your play, i will be analyzing your strengths and weaknesses, and adapting on the fly to fit the person im teaching. You will learn - - How to Attack efficiently and not open yourself to risk! - How to Survive and negate the opponents pressure! - How to Pickup information on your opponent! - How to Use that information that you have learned! - How to Learn for Yourself going forward in future games! - How to Properly use Training Mode! - How to Properly Eliminate Nasty Bad Habits! - How to Properly Create Good Healthy Habits! * If you are a returning student from prior to Metafy and we already are in the middle of a lesson plan for you, than not to worry! things will continue as they have been you! im just trying to help and reach as many people as possible!

5 Sessions 15 hours

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