Fergusʼs avatar




I'm Fergus, one of the top players in EU. I've played Tekken competitively both in EU and internationally for 10+ years now. I have a big following on social media and I do a lot of content as well. I have qualified for the Tekken World Tour Finals in 2017 and 2018 due to my high placement and results, as well as some major wins in EU and consistent top results both in my region and abroad. I have experience in coaching from my Patreon and helping players out with their gameplay and I have had good feedback of my procedures. I'm here to help you discover the intricacies of Tekken and stuff that can be easily missed, especially when the game does a poor job of explaining mechanics and meta to the player. I aim to provide clarity to why pro players do the stuff they do in high level and help to increase understanding of the game. I specialize in the female characters of Tekken, I can cover the whole roster of characters with my plethora of knowledge from playing competitively since Tekken 6 but I have a lot more to share on the girls of tekken, if you plan of getting coaching for a female character, I'm definitely the person to sign up for!

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