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Hi im Foo! I've loved fighting games since I was a child who had to stand on a stool to play at the arcade. I've been playing Guilty Gear for over 12 years but I love all kinds of fighting games from obscure to popular. I specialize in playing grapplers and big body type characters like Potemkin and Kum, but I can play just about every character! My random select is infamous! I've been competing in fighting game tournaments for over a decade and have consistently placed well in Guilty Gear Xrd tournaments across the country. I have a unique play style focusing on figuring out opponents patterns and my Kum Haehyun is regarded as one of the strongest out there! I enjoy teaching and helping people learn and I'm happy to adjust sessions to help accommodate your preferred learning style. That way you can get the most out of it whether it be: live coaching/feedback, 1 on 1 training sessions or tutorials, grinding games with review after each match or set, writing notes and feedback to focus on, discussion of matches and the decisions being made by each player, or any other way I can help you improve!

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