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Ranking Up Easily!

Rocket League
Rocket League
7 Sessions 7 hours $100

A guided plan to help with mechanical consistency and advanced gamesense

Sessions Overview

Basic Mechanics

1 hour

List of basic mechanics to practice for easier ball control and consistency in gameplay.

Replay Analysis

1 hour

First Analysis of gameplay to figure out strengths and weaknesses.

Understanding Rocket League

1 hour

In depth explanation of rotation and positioning. Tips for better decision making.

Advanced Mechanics

1 hour

List of slightly advanced mechanics to outplay opponents.

Replay Analysis

1 hour

Final Analysis of gameplay to visualize improvements.

Improving Consistency

1 hour

Training Packs adjusted to your ability and needs. To practice consistency with the most important game situations.

Adapting to different playstyles

1 hour

More detailed explanation on alternative and advanced rotations dependant on opponents and teammates playstyles.

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