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A central location for anyone that wants to improve in Rocket League! Feel free to ask anything RL related!

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Evil's Academy
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Evil's Academy


Improvement focused community for all skill levels with free benefits as well as subscription coaching! Discord Community:

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Pro Rocket League 🚀


Looking for FREE coaching content? Find tips on how to improve at ranked, freestyling and even to go pro 🚀 Welcome to Stolen's Rocket League community!

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LTXSam's Coaching Community! Join for World-Class Rocket League Coaching

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How to climb from Grand Champion to Supersonic Legend in 2v2!
How to climb from Grand Champion to Supersonic Legend in 2v2!

Rocket League

How to climb from Grand Champion to Supersonic Legend in 2v2!
We'll be giving you a clear and concise roadmap detailing what exactly YOU need to do to escape Grand Champion and excel as a member of the top 0.1% of the playerbase. Our time will be spent: - Having you, and the other present students participate in two to three 2v2 matches to acquire game footage. - Analysing the 2v2 footage and discussing core concepts you should look to understand and employ to exceed your current level using examples from your gameplay. - Discussing each player's individual weaknesses & prescribing a solution for each one. Players of any rank are welcome to attend! Players who are not playing from Europe, North America, South America, MENA or SSA may suffer from ping issues throughout the practice matches if they choose to attend! If you wish to participate in the practice games, you must have access to a working Discord account!
Event Recording
1hr 30m
How to climb from Champion to Grand Champion in 2v2!
How to climb from Champion to Grand Champion in 2v2!

Rocket League

How to climb from Champion to Grand Champion in 2v2!
This is a 90 minute session for players from high diamond to low Grand Champion who are looking to climb into Grand Champion and beyond! We'll be giving you a clear and concise roadmap detailing what exactly YOU need to do to escape Champion and excel as a member of the top 1% of the playerbase. Our time will be spent: - Having you, and the other present students participate in two to three 2v2 matches to acquire game footage - Analysing the 2v2 footage and discussing core concepts you should look to understand and employ to exceed your current level using examples from your gameplay. - Discussing each player's individual weaknesses & prescribing a solution for each one. Players of any rank are welcome to attend! Players who are not playing from Europe, North America, South America, MENA or SSA may suffer from ping issues throughout the practice matches if they choose to attend! If you wish to participate in the practice games, you must have access to a working Discord account!
Event Recording
1hr 30m
Rocket League Masterclass by RLCS Coach
Rocket League Masterclass by RLCS Coach

Rocket League

Rocket League Masterclass by RLCS Coach
In this Event I will cover 3 different theorical concepts to understand this game in the ways pro do it 🎮 This will help you to play around BAD TEAMMATES when SoloQueueing or increase your chemistry if you play with a fix team 👥 We will watch replays from different ranks to show you the theoretical concepts and how to apply them 📈
Event Recording
1hr 30m
Rocket League

My *2v2 How to get SSL in DUOS VOD*

This course is a video from my *How to get SSL in DUOS* group class that I held with some of the players I coach covering replays reviews from all ranks including my own.

Grayson🏆ʼs avatar
Learn how to Air Dribble/Flip Reset in 5min!
Rocket League Rocket League
Learn how to Air Dribble/Flip Reset in 5min! Here's a short in depth video on learning how to air dribble like a pro!
ViscoseTax_21ʼs avatar
Rocket League tips and analogy
Rocket League Rocket League
Rocket League tips and analogy I analyze your gameplay to see where improvement is needed and give tips and tricks to improve gameplay
ToadRLʼs avatar
Stalling - Rocket League
Rocket League Rocket League
Stalling - Rocket League In this course you get to learn how to stall. Stalling is such an important mechanic when freestyling in rocket league and it's useful in competitive situations as well.
SpookLukeʼs avatar
Diamond to Grand Champ
Rocket League Rocket League
Diamond to Grand Champ Designed for those with all of the fundamental knowledge down, who are ready to make the push towards Grand Champion and beyond!
3hrs 31m
SpookLukeʼs avatar
Bronze to Plat COURSE
Rocket League Rocket League
Bronze to Plat COURSE Designed for beginner players looking to take their ranked journey more seriously
Reflexʼs avatar
SSL/GC3 Coaching Replay analysis LIVE
Rocket League Rocket League
SSL/GC3 Coaching Replay analysis LIVE Show me one of your replays and have me analyze your gameplay. Tips and tricks will be given based on your decision making. This will be done through a call

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