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My name is Walter "fRESh" Homer. I started playing competitive Counter-Strike 2005 until 2009. The real gaming experience though began 2014 with Global-Offensive. Since than I have always been an active player and the game became an essential part of my life. From 2020 to 2023 I have been proud member and content creator of the German organisation ONYX. ( ) Now I am on a new journey as content creator for Into The Breach! ( ) The content around the game is my daily business, therefore I feel confident in my mentoring skills to improve your individual strength! Check out my new CS2 Youtube Channel: Personal Coaching Experience: - supported over 100 players with individual coaching CS Player Experience: - 3K+ Elo on FaceIT - active CSGO-Player since 2014 - 10x Seasons ESLM Div3 Captain/IGL Team Coach Experience: ESLM Div4 - eville Academy ESLM Div3 - eville Academy ESLM Div2 - Team LeiSure ESLM Div1 - ONYX Talents ESLM Div2 - ONYX Dojo ESEA Open to Main - ONYX Dojo A coaching session can be selected in a variable way: - Demo analysis with advice (Gamesense, Reactions...) - Server tutorial (Metaplays/Naderun/Positioning/Mapknowledge) - Mental coaching (Mindset upgrade) - Aim analysis (via Discord) - Team coaching CS is a marathon, not a sprint! I therefore recommend an effective weekly coaching package, as I can better help you reach your full potential. Looking forward to support you as your personal mentor and guide!

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Individual Coaching Session

A coaching session can be selected in a variable way: - Demo analysis with advice (Gamesense, Reactions...) - Server tutorial (Metaplays/Naderun/Positioning/Mapknowledge) - Mental Coaching (Mindset upgrade) - Aim analysis (via Discord)

1 Session 1 hour
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Basic 2 Week Coaching + Training Plan

CS is a marthon, not a sprint. I therefore offer you 3 hours coaching lessons in 2 weeks (once a week) to help you to improve your skill and will accompany this process. Of course you can contact me about any CS related question in this period. This plan will help you to use different training options to reach your full potential. Inside are numerous different tools that will upgrade your game. (see training plan image) - CheckUp List ( log your daily sessions ) - Knowledge Tutorial ( gamesense/playbook upgrade ) - several Aimroutines ( aim upgrade) - NadeRun ( META utility training) - Milestones/FocusTopics ( setup your goals ) - and several more We will use GoogleDocs/Table for the plan.

2 Sessions 2 hours
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Basic 4 Week Coaching + Training Plan

CS is a marthon, not a sprint. I therefore offer you 5 hours coaching lessons in 4 weeks (once a week) to help you to improve your skill and will accompany this process. Of course you can contact me about any CS related question in this period. This plan will help you to use different training options to reach your full potential. Inside are numerous different tools that will upgrade your game. (see training plan image) - CheckUp List ( log your daily sessions ) - Knowledge Tutorial ( gamesense/playbook upgrade ) - several Aimroutines ( aim upgrade) - NadeRun ( META utility training) - Milestones/FocusTopics ( setup your goals ) - and several more We will use GoogleDocs/Table for the plan.

4 Sessions 4 hours
"CS is a marathon not a sprint!" fREShCS
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Full Team Coaching

A coaching session can be selected in a variable way: - Demo analysis with advice - Server tutorial (Metaplays/Naderun/Positioning/Mapknowledge) - Strategy review/feedback - Gameplan discussion/upgrades - Dryrun training ( team coordination upgrade )

1 Session 1 hour
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Advanced 4 Week Coaching + Training Plan

CSGO is a marthon, not a sprint. I therefore offer you 5 hours coaching lessons in 4 weeks (once a week) to help you to improve your skill and will accompany this process. Of course you can contact me about any CSGO related question in this period. This plan will help you to use different training options to reach your full potential. Inside are numerous different tools that will upgrade your game. (see training plan image) - CheckUp List ( log your daily sessions ) - Knowledge Tutorial ( gamesense/playbook upgrade ) - several Aimroutines ( aim upgrade) - NadeRun ( META utility training) - Milestones/FocusTopics ( setup your goals ) - and several more We will use GoogleDocs/Table for the plan.

4 Sessions 8 hours

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