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I'm a Professional Valorant Coach, I've already won a few championships, I took part in the Masters Berlim in 2021 And most recently won the Challengers in Brazil with Hero Base

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Send me your VOD, and I'll compile a detailed list of notes and feedback tailored to you. We can either go over this together live or I can provide the analysis for you to review at your own pace. - Enhance your game sense - Determine the ideal role for you - Perfect a specific role or agent - Optimize your rotations and positioning - Analyze maps and setups in-depth No matter the game, map, or agent, I'm ready to help. Feel free to book a session and let me know whether you prefer a recorded analysis or a live review.

1 Session 1.5 hours
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Live Coaching

Throughout the session, we will dive into Decision Making, Game Sense, and Utility Usage. I'll closely monitor your gameplay and offer brief feedback at the end of each round. Additionally, I’ll record your matches for a detailed review afterward. I’ll also be available to answer your questions during the match or afterward. Rest assured, I’m here to help you improve and learn, not just to tell you what to do. We can also enter a custom game to discuss potential improvements based on the scenarios encountered during your gameplay.

1 Session 1.5 hours
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Team Vod Review | Watch Your Scrims

I can either join your team during a scrim to observe live, or you can record the session and send it to me. I’ll analyze the entire team’s performance and provide comprehensive feedback.

1 Session 1 hour
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Prepare your map

For this session, I’ll prepare a map strategy based on the information you provide about your team, while also aligning with the current Valorant meta. I’ll offer ideas and insights into how the top teams approach and play on the map, giving your team a competitive edge This include 1hour of tactics, and 1 scrim and 1 review

1 Session 3 hours

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