



[Professional Pokemon UNITE Coach] My name is Hassan aka Ghatlue and I'm 23 years old. I have been playing Pokemon Unite since the release and gained a lot of experience and knowledge about the game. I used to be the Captain for the Top EU Team Nouns Esports for 2 years. In 2022 my team placed 2nd in the World Championship in London. I currently play for Nouns Esports as a Top Laner mostly and Flex Pick sometimes. I have played for the Top EU Teams like Random Gaming, Nouns Esports, For Free?? My Liquipedia Profile: I want to use my knowledge and experience to help you improve in Pokemon Unite. In my coaching sessions I want to help you with your macro and micro. Improve your laning phase, mid and late game and share my knowledge with you during our session. I coach ladder (SoloQ etc.) and Competitive players.

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Duo / Coaching [Top,Support or Attacker,Defender]

In this Session we will mainly focus on the Synergy between Top/Support or Attacker/Defender and how to improve on it. We will be in call as you and your partner. I will analyze how you play with your lane partner during the game and give you advice. Before a game starts I will tell you how to play the laning phase togehter and which Pokemon have synergy togehter. I will watch gameplay of Ladder, scrims or tournament and be in vc with you and I will record the game and take notes during the game and then we will talk about the game afterwards.

1 Session 1 hour
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Vod Review (Team Coaching)

In this format we will Vod Review the game with the Team. I will analyze your draft, comms in draft, game itself, how you play with each others, comms during game and your rotations.

1 Session 1 hour
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Play with me

We will play DuoQ together and you can ask me questions during the game. I will try to shotcall our rotations and possibilities during the game.

1 Session 30 minutes
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Team / Coaching

In this format I will either spectate one of your games on 5stack, scrims or Tournament and record the gameplay. I can be the shotcaller and tell you what to draft, How to play during the game etc. or Answer questions during the game. After the game we will look into the game and I will point out mistakes that happend during the games. Draft, Comms, Rotations and how you played as a team overall

1 Session 1 hour
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Vod Review (Solo coaching)

In this Vod Review format. You can send me a gameplay and ask me about your concerns. We will watch the game togehter and I will give you my opinion about your gameplay, decision making, comms etc.

1 Session 1 hour
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Solo / Coaching

In Live coaching I will spectate your game and answer your questions during the game. I will record the game and take notes from the game and we will talk about how you performed, what mistakes you did, what you can improve on.

1 Session 1 hour

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