

I have been playing at the top of NA for over 4 years, competing in MDL, Premier, and ECL since 2020. I've played many different roles throughout my career including AWP, entry, lurk, and IGL. I've spent 14,000+ hours playing Counter-Strike, personally perfecting my game while also practicing within high level team environments. I look forward to sharing any information I've learned with you guys!

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Demo Review (LIVE)

You and I together will watch the demo or vod you upload to Metafy and I will give constructive feedback on any mistakes I see. I will explain different topics you might have questions on and prepare you for your next games!

1 Session 1 hour
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Demo Review (YouTube Unlisted Video)

I will watch the demo or vod you upload to Metafy and give constructive feedback on any mistakes I see. I will explain different topics you might have questions on and prepare you for your next games! This session will not be a 1-on-1 session, instead I will upload a recording of me going over your demo as an unlisted YouTube video for you to watch!

1 Session 1 hour
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Team Demo Review (LIVE)

I will watch the demo or vod you upload to Metafy with you and give constructive feedback on any mistakes I see. I will review this demo and give criticism based on the entire team and every role, not just one specific player. I will answer any questions you have and help you and your team prepare for your next games!

1 Session 1 hour
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1 Map Breakdown + Map Q/A

I will go over a specific map of your choosing, and explain the overall theory that goes into playing the map for both CT and T-side. For CT-side, I will go over the main goal each position should have and how these positions will work together. For T-side, I will go over the main defaults you need to know and what each role on these defaults need to be doing in order to have a successful rounds. During this session I will also answer any questions you may have about the specific map!

1 Session 1 hour

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