



hello everyone, I'm Guilherme AKA GuiVGC and I'm here to offer coaching for Pokémon VGC. You might have seen my name on top cuts and wins of multiple limitless tournaments and on the Oceania CP leaderboards. I can also offer coaching in Portuguese.

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Replay analysis

This coaching section I'll analyze your replays from either on cart matches or from Pokémon showdown with you in order to catch misplays, suboptimal plays with deep explanation of why that was a misplays or a suboptimal play or re-create game plan or any potential lack of synergy within the team and fix it.

1 Session 1 hour
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This coaching section will help you to start team building from sketch, further optimize or finalize the EV spreads on it. This section we will go through team-building aspects to ensure a cohesive team with enough tools to deal with the meta game.

1 Session 1 hour
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Team Building and Practice games/ Replay analysis

This 2 hour sections we will go through the process of building the team from sketch or going through any potential optimizations in your already built team and also analyze Replays or I'll play ladder game with you in order to advise you on what are the better plays for each turn.

1 Session 2 hours
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Team Building and Practice games/ Replay analysis

This 2 hour sections we will go through the process of building the team from sketch or going through any potential optimizations in your already built team and also analyze Replays or I'll play ladder game with you in order to advise you on what are the better plays for each turn.

1 Session 2 hours

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