


1 following

I'm most known for inventing the Hel-jump, a mechanic that allows you to lift your car off the ground while keeping your flip. Some might also know me from Reddit or my Youtube channel. Video games have always been a part of my life but the one game that really got me hooked was Rocket League. In my training sessions i will try to tell you all the useful things i wish someone told me when i was trying to rank up. Next to coaching i am constantly looking to improve myself. This means i spent a lot of time on analyzing replays, watching tutorials, going through training drills and so on. In my coaching sessions i will try to give you an insight on the most efficient methods to train while leaving the inefficient ones out.

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Replay analysis

Replay analysis from 1-2 of your games.

1 Session 30 mins
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Team coaching

Team coaching including replay analisis, rotation guides, live feedback during your games and a training plan for the future.

1 Session 1 hour
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1 on 1 live coaching

1 on 1 live coaching including replay analysis, live feedback during your games, tutorials on mechanics and a training plan for the future.

1 Session 1 hour

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