Session cover image

Improve FAST!

3 Sessions 3 hours $50

This plan will launch you to your desired level. Last few months while coaching I noticed that everyone needs at least 3 sessions in order to fix main problems with their game play, everything else above these 3 sessions is just extra knowledge that will help you reach your desired level faster and beyond that, but these 3 are NECESSARY. Everyone is making mistakes and that is okay but there are specific mistakes that everyone needs to fix, specific knowledge that everyone should know and training plan in order to improve fast. This course is designed to teach you exactly that!

Sessions Overview

Aim Session ( How to AIM like NiKo )

1 hour

Have you ever been wondering how are PRO players so good at aiming? In this lesson we will go over most important things you should know in order to reach highest levels in CS!

Demo Review

1 hour

This lesson is designed to fix basic mistakes that are killing you every round. It is super important to stop making these in order to keep improving!

Finishing Session

1 hour

This session is used for assessing improvement, Q/A , but it can also be used as one of the previous sessions!

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