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Imagine buying a new Ferrari with 1000$, that's what you will get taking me as a coach. Cheapest and best coach, exp IGL, highest FACEIT elo ( 3500 cs2 ). All my students were more than satisfied with results they achieve after my sessions. FACEIT - 3500 ELO CS2 ( TOP 400 EU ) My name is Aleksandar "HLEB" Todorovic. I am a professional CS player with over 13+ years and 14.000h+ of experience. Over the years i competed at pro level and gained so much experience and knowledge about the game and now i decided to share all this with you guys and help you take shortcut to professional level that i didn't get chance to. Some of the things you will learn from my sessions are: Aim, movement, mechanical skill, utility usage, communication, team play, defaults, openings, tactics, game-sense, reactions, decision making, protocols etc... First things we would do in my sessions would be understanding what level you are on and after that we would make a plan with things we need to work on in order for you to become better fastest way possible. Session time is not so relevant to me as I love to share my knowledge about the game, so often we will go overtime. Don't hesitate to ask me anything you want anytime during sessions/after the sessions and also feel free to ask me anything in private chat on steam/discord. Everything you didn't understand during demo review's/team pracc's/live coaching we will show in details on server until you completely understand it. Some of my links: HLTV: https://www.hltv.org/player/16669/hleb FACEIT: https://www.faceit.com/en/players/Tarararira ESEA: https://play.esea.net/users/583922 Thanks for taking the time to read my bio and feel free to reach me anytime you want!

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Free 15-30 min Q/A about my services

If you have any questions about my coaching feel free to book this free session and ask me anything you want.

1 Session 30 minutes
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Demo Review Live/Offline

We will join discord call where I will share my screen with your demo and point out all mistakes you made as well as good things you did and explain what you should have done in details. I will not limit myself on stuff you want to to pay attention to only or ask you to give me a thing or two to focus on like other coaches, i will say everything i see from basic stuff to high advanced things and explain it in details so you understand it. This is the BEST way to figure out what were you doing wrong in your matches as well as point out and fix IMPORTANT basic mistakes everyone is making in their matches which are stopping them from ranking up!

1 Session 1 hour
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Aim Session ( How to AIM like NiKo )

Have you ever been curious how are PRO players so good at aiming? In this lesson we will go over most important things you should know in order to reach highest levels in CS! Just by mastering AIM and movement you can reach level 10 on Faceit.

1 Session 1 hour
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Live Coaching Session

Live coaching session is the best choice for everyone above level 7 on FACEIT. From my experience live coaching sessions are the best way of noticing minor and major mistakes for players who are on higher levels. The way session works: We will hop on a discord call, you will share your screen and we will do quick warmup 5-10 min and there i will give you some tips on what you can do/improve on with your mechanics/aim. After that you will SOLO QUE FACEIT and i will spectate your match and give you on spot information every time you die what you could have done better, what caused you to die, what mistakes you did through out the round, give you tips on what to do and why while you play and also write down all of this for you as a reminder. After your match i will share my screen and hop on a empty server and show everything you did wrong/right in each of the rounds and explain what you should have done and why. One of the best types of session for understanding map awareness, decision making, reactions, rotations and many other things that will help you easier climb your way to the PRO level.

1 Session 1 hour
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1 on 1 Individual Coaching

During this session if there is nothing specifically you want to work on then i would evaluate your current game knowledge based on your level/rank and we will do some of the following: 1. Map Basics - This is the next step. This is where we join server and we go over certain defaults, utility, openings, reactions, decision making etc... Basically this is like in depth basics of any map you pick. 2. Offline Server - Any questions you have about specific rounds, strategies, utility anything overall that would include me explaining stuff on offline server 3. Learning to play specific positions you like and everything you need to know about them. Please do not hesitate to ask me any questions during our session.

1 Session 1 hour
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Improve FAST!

This plan will launch you to your desired level. Last few months while coaching I noticed that everyone needs at least 3 sessions in order to fix main problems with their game play, everything else above these 3 sessions is just extra knowledge that will help you reach your desired level faster and beyond that, but these 3 are NECESSARY. Everyone is making mistakes and that is okay but there are specific mistakes that everyone needs to fix, specific knowledge that everyone should know and training plan in order to improve fast. This course is designed to teach you exactly that!

3 Sessions 3 hours
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2 Week Coaching Plan

Hello! Welcome to my 1 week coaching plan. This plan is not limited to exactly 1 week its just a name... u can extend it for over 2 months like many of my students are already doing. Sessions within training plan don't need to be in this exact order or overall these types, we can do any of the at any time, usually my students let me decide in my opinion what I think is the best thing to work on next.

6 Sessions 6 hours
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1 Month Coaching Plan

Hello! Welcome to my 1 month coaching plan. This plan is made so that you as a player improve fast and reach your desired cs rank whether that is Global Elite / Premier Rating / Faceit Level. In this plan we will go trough basics all the way to the advanced tactics. We will work on all of the most important aspects of the game and i will make sure you leave every of our sessions with a lot of new knowledge about the game. We will work on your favourite positions/roles, i will show you all advanced things you need to know to play your position/role best way possible. I will also help you with tactics and show you tips and tricks to get easy kills everywhere on the map.

12 Sessions 12 hours
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This session is for teams only. It can be used as a team demo review, any questions overall about specific rounds, learning maps and how to play them, talking about strategies etc...

1 Session 1 hour
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1 Month Team Coaching Plan

This plan is made specificaly for teams that want to improve and reach some of their goals wheater that is win tournaments, qualified for esea league etc... I will make sure that i will fix all your problems inside of the team, help you with your roles, tactics, ideas, communication and many more things so you can develop as a team. We will work on everything from most basic stuff to highly advanced things.

14 Sessions 14 hours

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