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Live Coaching Session

1 Session 1 hour $20

Live coaching session is the best choice for everyone above level 7 on FACEIT. From my experience live coaching sessions are the best way of noticing minor and major mistakes for players who are on higher levels. The way session works: We will hop on a discord call, you will share your screen and we will do quick warmup 5-10 min and there i will give you some tips on what you can do/improve on with your mechanics/aim. After that you will SOLO QUE FACEIT and i will spectate your match and give you on spot information every time you die what you could have done better, what caused you to die, what mistakes you did through out the round, give you tips on what to do and why while you play and also write down all of this for you as a reminder. After your match i will share my screen and hop on a empty server and show everything you did wrong/right in each of the rounds and explain what you should have done and why. One of the best types of session for understanding map awareness, decision making, reactions, rotations and many other things that will help you easier climb your way to the PRO level.

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