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Individual Basic Training

This Training is to teach new fortnite players the basics of the game. It is where you will learn how to play and win games of fortnite. this session is for those new fortnite players if you are more advanced check out my other bundles.

1 Session 30 mins
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Fortnite Coaching - Beginning to get serious

I will coach you in either skills to improve your building and game knowledge! We will be doing Creative and Ranked with some VOD reviews on the ranked gameplay Regions: (OCE, ASIA, NAC)

4 Sessions 8 hours
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Solo Cash Cups

I will train you and coach you through the solo cash cups ! - Warm up - Qualifiers - VOD Review - Finals (If we make) - VOD Review

6 Sessions 12 hours
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Pokemon Go Battling

For 30 minutes I'll coach you to dominate in all pokemon battle game modes and how to almost always win!! And get those epic rewards!!

1 Session 30 mins

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