Everything you need to know about the mid lane in 4 different hour long sessions. From basic to advanced knowledge/concepts with a focused learning plan for each session.
Sessions Overview
Intro to mid and laning concepts/practice
1 hour
Going over the role of a mid player in the game. What heroes to pick in the current patch. How to approach different lane types/archetypes (good matchups, bad matchups everything in between).
Approaching teamfights/late game
1 hour
Itemization on common mid heroes, how to play fights on different mid heroes past 20-25 minutes. What to do when ahead/behind. When to split push or fight and item build changes required for certain game states.
Midgame decision making
1 hour
What I would consider the most important concepts required to be a good mid player. How to approach the transition into the mid game and the decision making process involved.
Replay reviews of your games from previous week
1 hour
Going over everything and evaluating what you need to work on, biggest mistakes and bad habits. As well as anything I deem necessary to include at this point in your mid journey :)