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I've been playing League since season 2 and loved the game ever since, I've been high elo since S4 and been coaching for a year now. I've coached people from bronze all the way to challenger, I primarily coach ADC/Support but can coach all roles below master. I've been Challenger since S7 and peaked Rank 6 in S10 and Rank 5 in S11.

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Live review

In this session I will watch you play live then record it and review it together with you. We will go over basic fundementals of laning, macro & decision making and teamfighting. Mostly we will focus on the habitual mistakes you are making. Session usually lasts 1h15min-30min.

1 Session 1.5 hours
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Standard Vod review

In this session you upload 2 games on youtube and we review them together, I will go over laning fundementals, macro & decision making and teamfighting. The session will be highly personable as we will be looking at your gameplay and your habits. Session usually lasts 1h15min-30min.

1 Session 1.5 hours

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