



First generation DotA player for 20 years. Won a tournament while solo playing from 5 PCs at the same time. Coached 1000+ ppl. Let's walk Your path to becoming the player that You want to be together!

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Pre-coaching Consultation

If you're unsure about how our sessions will look like or even if you just want to check if we're gonna vibe together, go ahead & schedule a quick talk so I can reply to any questions you might have.

1 Session 30 minutes
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Live Coaching

We'll watch and analyze a game together. We can focus on specific aspects and parts of your choosing, or you can ask me to help you improve where I believe is best.

1 Session 1 hour
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1-month Weekly Sessions

With the bundle we'll be able to focus more thoroughly on anything you wish in your game. I guarantee that at the end of it You'll have a definitive improvement in the areas you seek.

4 Sessions 4 hours
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1-month Extensive Sessions

You're looking for both fast and lasting quality improvement of your gameplay. It doesn't get more personalized and high-value than this.

8 Sessions 8 hours
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Mental Coaching

As a mental coach I find the this aspect of the game to be the most overlooked. And also the one that people usually ask me the most about. Let's increase both Your joy & win rate at the same time!

1 Session 1 hour
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Master Your Role

We'll go over any role that you desire to gain more in-depth knowledge and get better at.

1 Session 1 hour
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Master Your Role

We'll go over any role that you desire to gain more in-depth knowledge and get better at.

1 Session 1 hour
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Hero Specialization

Choose a hero you want to learn everything about. We'll cover all the roles that he fits into, their respectable item builds, tips and tricks, their role in the team and everything else there is!

1 Session 1 hour
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Hero Specialization

Choose a hero you want to learn everything about. We'll cover all the roles that he fits into, their respectable item builds, tips and tricks, their role in the team and everything else there is!

1 Session 1 hour
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Replay Review

Give me any replay ID and similarly to my live coaching sessions - either give me specific aspects of your game to analyze or ask me to go over things which I judge to be most important.

1 Session 1 hour
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Replay Review

Give me any replay ID and similarly to my live coaching sessions - either give me specific aspects of your game to analyze or ask me to go over things which I judge to be most important.

1 Session 1 hour


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Duo/Team Coaching

Looking to improve your gameplay synergy with a teammate or a friend? Then let's bring your game to the next level.

1 Session 1 hour
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5-stack/Team Coaching

Looking to improve your gameplay synergy as a full team? Then let's bring your game to the next level.

1 Session 1 hour
I'm here to help develop your skills & enhance your gaming experience!

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