Pokémon TCG

Josh Frink's Mind Bend Palace

Hey! Welcome to my Mind (bend) Palace! I'm going to be posting guides, lists, video's and so much more on here! If you're interested in my coaching or my thoughts on the meta game please feel free to stick around!

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From the community

Thetaygamingʼs avatar



Josh is really nice and really listened to my input while also developing a gameplan moving forward!

GemMintTCGʼs avatar



I've been getting coaching from Josh for over a year now and he's been an incredible coach!

PokeJackʼs avatar



Josh Frink helps a lot with everything from sequencing, deck choices, practicing, and a ton more!

mapiixdʼs avatar



I have been in 2 masterclasses and they were very detailed, appreciating that as a person who likes to know the decks in-depth

Haukiʼs avatar



awesome guy and a fantastic coach. did really well in terms of helping me improve my deck while also accommodating the gameplan i wanted to go for. would 100% book with Josh if you are going to any bigger events!

AlexCastawayʼs avatar



Great session with Josh and look forward to our next one

Pericroaksʼs avatar



Very friendly and receptive coach, took the time to listen to my questions and concerns! Would definitely recommend to anyone seeking coaching!

leon stakneʼs avatar

leon stakne


weary open and resourfull coach a lot knolage and weary in to the statistic side of the game.

Snoozyʼs avatar



Josh is extremely knowledgeable about the game. He has a great charisma and personality to his teaching style.

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Gotta Go... Fast? A Guide To Turbo Gardevoir ex!
Pokémon TCG Pokémon TCG
Gotta Go... Fast? A Guide To Turbo Gardevoir ex! 1. The best list for the event (Tech options and why or why not to play them) 2. A Clear Pictures of your lines into each relevant matchup (How to play, first or second, etc.) 3. A Solid Understanding of how to pilot the deck and specific tips and tricks for being successful with Turbo Gardevoir
2hrs 56m
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Ralts Tier

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1 - Access to all of the deck lists I have cooking as well as the ability to request lists of certain archetypes! 2 - Access to Meta Tier lists and Discussion forums after each North American Pokemon TCG Major (Regional/IC) 3 - Priority Access to Coaching Sessions!

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Kirlia Tier

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1. Access to 1 Guide or Sunday Session Per Month! 2. 10% Discount on All Coaching 3. Weekly Puzzles/Video Content 4. Access to all Written Articles! 5. All Benefits From Previous Tiers!

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  • The Ultimate EUIC Gardevoir ex Guide!
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  • Exclusive access to 6 channels and 25 posts

Gardevoir Tier

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1. Access to a Weekly "Sunday Session" Where Supporters Will Have Access to a Q+A Session as well as a Weekly Topic/Gameplay Opportunity!* 2. Free Access to Any Upcoming Masterclass/Guides I Publish! 3. Open Accessibility To Me For Personal Questions/Advice 4. All Perks From Previous Tiers *Not all Sunday Sessions Will be on Sunday, the weekly class will change dependent on travel/tournaments, etc.

Exclusive benefits

  • The Ultimate EUIC Gardevoir ex Guide!
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  • Priority support
  • Exclusive content
  • Exclusive access to 7 channels and 28 posts
About me

Meet your Community host


Josh Frink


About me

I am a Pokemon TCG player from the Chicago area! I started playing the Pokemon TCG in 2009 when I was 10 years old and played for about 6 years, placing in multiple major events as a Junior and Senior. I stopped playing competitively in High School and returned to the game where I have continued to ...

  • Location CDT
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