Just Jason

Just Jason


Hello Ladies and Gentlemen! The name's Jason, Just Jason. I've been around foreeevvvveerrrr. I am NYC local, and at points even a community leader creating events like Tuesday Nebulous which had famous sets like westballz vs hax! ANYWAYS, lets get to what we are here for, how can I help you get better at melee? Who am I to teach you anything??? Well, I've never been one to travel, and thus never really got my name out there, but I have always done my own personal training and played in region, adapting to the meta and keeping up. I bolster a long history of results, consistently toppling top 20 players upon occurence of combat and having even taken down a top 5 player (Cody Schwab) when he was ranked within the top 5. Having beaten tons of top level players and even taking some tournaments off them over the years here is just a couple of my wins on memorable players. Krudo, Ghatzu, colbol, syrox, 2saint, Morsecode,bbb,ginger etc. This long history of solid results besides being a cool rap sheet is mainly to justify why you would come to me for training or inquisition with your hard earned cash. Since I am not a super known commodity and I do this as a hobby and because I love melee I can price it lower than others, which can help out the common everyman, which leads me to my next point. I like to think I represent the common everyman melee player, I never had the money to travel(started at age 3) and never had friends that were top talent. I've always gotten better at most with the small circle of training partners I had and never climbed any social ladders to get here, just a random sheik in the crowd, before netplay even! So because of this I understand what it is like to be lost in a sea of skill ladders, the frustration of going to a weekly every week to be just barely (or destroyed) by your local top players. I was always recognized in my local scene for having gotten good quickly, and while that may have been the case at first it was a long, humbling journey to consistency. It took a long time to develop the mentality to not get lost or frustrated and quit. THE GOOD NEWS is I can teach this! I can attest, thanks to all the years I spent going through it, I can confidently say I can condense this so that you don't have to go through all the same steps. Granted, and I can't emphasize this enough is that it does take hard work. As much as I would love to sell my metafy on the idea that'd I would turn you into a beast in a month, in reality it would be a step by step process that requires patience and hard work. What I can guarantee, is that I can stop your confusion. Giving you a clear path forward, unblurring the game, reducing frustration, instilling confidence. I am not saying you have to come back, and keep spending money, in fact if you ever need anything afterwards I am so grateful I would respond to messages for free anyway. Even if you only bought one lesson, I would give you concrete ideas and strategies on things to work on that once fully pushed and developed would take you to a very high level. As well as mentality advice that will last you an eternity, and works in any game or sport, I am also a skilled pool player. IF YOU READ ALL THAT, thank you so much for considering me. You are directly supporting me and my everyday life. I am in school for IT/Cyber Security right now and any help HELPS A LOT. This can help me enter brackets and simple things like just affording food. Being from the The Bronx NY I always have to travel a solid distance for tournaments, or work even, so everything helps. Thank you.

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Test me

Want to test my might? I'll play you for free, my experience shows in my gameplay. Only valid once per person.

1 Session 30 mins
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Melee training/coaching

I've been playing melee since 2013, yep, that's almost 12 years. Suffice to say I picked up a thing or two along the way. I can share these experiences which would expedite your growth by giving you direct answers to your problems while also teaching you important mindsets to strengthen your confidence and teach you how to learn on your own, all for a much cheaper price then your favorite internet famous top players! Things I offer are basically anything you need, I will work with *you* to understand how *you* learn. One of my favorite ways is always a straight training session, having quality time with a high level player and time to evaluate *where* and *how* they are beating you is invaluable. If that is not your speed I am more than happy to slow down VODS and dive deep into what makes your character tick,and how to approach different matchups with the tools your character provides. A combo of these approaches and a mixture of other learning strategies and we can basically cover everything.

1 Session 2 hours
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4 Hours Just Jason training special!

Have a seat, get comfortable. This session is for those who want a deep dive. This will grant you the time against a high level player to play, adapt be readapted to, and see your habits in real time. All the while we will have the time to stop and analyse and talk about it. For you to have the chance to try and reimplement it in real time after your muscle memory has learned and adapted. This will give you the chance to get comfortable, so I can gauge your true skill, as well once you are comfortable you can play at your peak, which is where true experience is built in *real time*.

1 Session 4 hours

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