JustLolamanʼs avatar




I've gone infinite in around 10 different card games. If there was a ladder available, i've gone to the top in every one of them. I've started coaching in different fields 17 years ago so i've built up a huge experience. In the past few years, I've been streaming MTGA and got on top there fairly quickly. Doesn't matter if you already are an amazing draft/sealed player and you wanna get to the next level, or if you are struggling, we are gonna get there. I believe that due to the complexity of MTG draft/sealed, individualistic approach is very important. I advise for the length of the session to be 1,5 hours cause we can cover drafting, deckbuilding and gameplay. Usually i do my coaching through discord screen share but that's open for discussion. Best way to talk to me is on discord. We can discuss all the details there, even before you book a session.

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