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Rocket League Rocket League

Multiple Written Replay Review

If you want a review but can’t find the right timing, or prefer not to call, then you can get a written review! You can send me 2-3 replays and I will write an in-depth, timestamped review and send it to you within 24 hours. You can upload the replay to ballchasing.com and send me the link, or you can send the replay file to me directly on discord. Feel free to message me if you have any questions before the session, and if you have any questions following the review. Discord: kaayrl

1 Session
1 hour
About me

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About me

Hey, I'm Kaay! I've been playing Rocket League since release and I have been GC+ for the past 7 years. Currently 1700 in 2s, and I have over 6000 hours on the game so I'm sure I can help you improve. Feel free to message me on discord ahead of time if you have any questions! Discord: kaayrl ...

  • Location GMT+4
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You can message me on discord: kaayrl


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