



Hey, I'm Kackos. I'm 26 years old polish professional League of Legends top laner, former MAD Lions Academy, Misftis Academy. I've been playing the game since s2/3, reached challenger on EUNE in s4, then in most of the seasons on EUW since s5. At s8 I went full-time. I've been playing in national leagues across the Europe such as: 1x Balkan(TOP2) 3x Polish(TOP2) 4x Spanish(TOP3) 1x French(TOP5) 1x Turkish(TOP3) 1x Nordic(TOP2) 1x Greek(TOP3) https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/Kackos In our sessions I will focus the most on analyzing and improving your decision making in the game while covering other important parts such as runes/builds/laning phase/wave managment/tracking jungler/later stages of the game and overall fixing your gameplay so you can climb.

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VOD review

Before session we'll do a quick op gg review while having a conversation about your goals/struggles and main reasons why you decided to get coaching. We'll go through one of your recent games, can be POV(upload it on yt) or replay from client. Choose a game which is not a stomp, best example is a game with a lot of unknowns to you, like you didn't know how to use your lead or gain it, what you could do more etc. I'll analyze your decision making so you can reflect on that and we will discuss every stage in the game and options. After the VOD review we will do a recap + questions.

1 Session 1.5 hours
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Replay review

Gameplay analysis with timesamps, including tips about buildpath/matchup. Remember replay has to be POV. Delivery time 1-2days

1 Session 1 hour
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Live game session

Before session we'll do a quick op gg review while having a conversation about your goals/struggles and main reasons why you decided to get coaching. I'll advise you through whole game you will stream on discord starting in champion select. After the game we will talk about it + questions.

1 Session 1 hour
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1 VS 1 any top match-up theory+practice

If you are struggling to play any match-up in the game or would like to improve your theory/practice, this is the session you should aim for. We will go through any scenario you want and I'm gonna show you the options u can have or how to play it.

1 Session 1.5 hours
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Live game session+VOD review

Before session we'll do a quick op gg review while having a conversation about your goals/struggles and main reasons why you decided to get coaching. I'll advise you through whole game you will stream on discord starting in champion select and after that we will jump into VOD of this game to analyze your decision making so you can reflect on that and we will discuss every stage in the game and options. After the VOD review we will do a recap + questions.

1 Session 1.5 hours

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