



Grand Master Hitscan DPS, 1x undefeated team coached, Average increase on rank % on clients is 45%. Expert in getting scholarships for esports.

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VOD review DPS.

Will watch a vod of you playing dps and help make notes on anything that can be adjusted.

1 Session 1 hour
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General Coaching

Will help with things like positioning what fights to take/not take. Will give advice on mechanics, character picks, and just general errors.

1 Session 30 minutes
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Team Coaching

Coach a team as a whole and make adjustments to comps that are picked and why team fights fail/succeed.

1 Session 1 hour
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DPS Coaching

Will watch you play DPS live and help make notes on anything that can be adjusted.

1 Session 1 hour
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All advanced movements tutorial.

You will receive the best movement tutorial available and be taught advanced movement techniques ranging from super glide to no momentum wall bouncing. This is the most informative lesson on apex legends and is being offered at the lowest price.

1 Session 30 minutes
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_____ to masters (DPS)

I will help go from whatever rank you currently are to masters+ on dps.

2 Sessions 2 hours

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