



Hey! My name is Koenji. You may know me as a Content Creator or Mod Author but I've also been a competitive Tekken player for 7+ years. I've played in several Tekken 7 and Tekken 8 tournaments around Europe, I specialize in using Azucena, and have a handful of high placements with a couple of tournament wins under my belt. Teaching has become a skill that has come naturally to me as I've become more Adept in the game, and in general, wanting my friends to improve. I feel I can use what accumulated to be a great coach for anyone interested in taking my lessons. If you want to learn how to play Tekken from a Top Player, look no further, welcome to my school!

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Introductory Lesson

New Members Only! Want to get a feel of my vibe before booking one of the other lesson plans I provide? Then this is the one for you! We'll talk about what goals you want to achieve for this game, what you want to target, and how you should go about tackling them, all in a free lesson.

1 Session 30 mins




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Replay Analysis

Review matches in one of my forte's. I'll provide detailed notes on how you should be improving your play, what you should train on, how you should practice and more! For Online Replay Reviewing: We'll connect through Discord at the chosen session time and we'll playback the replay. For Offline Replay Viewing: Please provide your Tekken ID, the of your opponent and the character they used.

1 Session 30 mins
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Battle Lesson

Recommended Ranks: Fujin to GoD Want to test how you stack up against the Teacher? Battle Lessons are for individuals that learn best by diving straight in. For this lesson in particular to be more beneficial, I'd recommend that you already have a rough understanding of how to play the game so the review part of this lesson will be more valuable. For the Battle Lesson you can choose between an FT2, FT3 or FT5, and after finishing the set. Although some live coaching will be provided, the main coaching will happen during the review period have the set, where we'll make notes to further your play.

1 Session 1 hour
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Open Lesson

Recommended Ranks: Beginner to GoD Open Lessons are the go-to way to go over anything you may be having trouble with in TEKKEN 8 in 60 minutes. Here are a couple of Open Lesson Suggestions: Struggling with Punishment and Throw Breaking: Let's try and come up with a regiment to sharpen your reactions. Matchup Advice: I have detailed breakdowns on almost every character in the game. Lets go over some weaknesses you may have. Adjusting Your Mindset: If your getting heated during a match or struggling to find openings, when you're using a strong opponent, let's try and come up with a solution. Let me be your coach.

1 Session 1 hour
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Beginner: New Foundation

Recommended Ranks: Beginner to Garyu This is a Beginner's Course that is designed to teach newcomers the fundamentals of Tekken, or bringing returning players up to speed. We'll focus on the proper way we should be moving and should be attempting to apply offense in addition to carving out a basic game plan for our character in this 2-hour long session.

4 Sessions 2 hours
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Advanced: Approaching Matchups

Recommended Ranks: Garyu to Tekken King As you start to climb up the ranks, you're going to run into options that you might not be necessarily sure how to beat, when you go and try and figure out how to beat those options, you may feel overwhelmed, and not sure where to start. How can we make such an important part of the improvement process, less overwhelming? For this course, we'll focus on a specific character and learn what's the best way to approach learning a matchup in a way that's not overwhelming.

5 Sessions 2.5 hours
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Mastery: Intensive Course

Rank Recommendation: Tekken King to Tekken God Supreme So you know how to play, you have your combos on deck, and you've established your go-to game plan with your character of choice... However, you've reached a wall that you can't seem to overcome. Unlike other walls that have blocked your progression in the past, the answers were a lot clearer, this one, however, is unlike any other you've experienced. How do we break past what feels like the end of the road, to become even stronger? This course is targeted at those who want to take their Tekken skills to the next level. We'll look into methods to consistently improve particularly in a FT2 situation. We'll learn concepts and rules that are understood by professional Tekken players, we'll learn how to analyse quickly and effectively based on minimal information, and more within this 3-hour focused session.

6 Sessions 3 hours

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